Municipalities in British Columbia are responsible for ensuring that public spaces and services are safe for residents and visitors. However, when injuries occur due to municipal negligence, determining liability is more difficult than it may…
Depending on where you are in British Columbia, winters can range from mild to severe. However, no matter where you are, cold weather poses significant risks. Snow and ice make conditions particularly dangerous. Parking lots…
According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, unintentional falls are the leading cause of injuries that require hospitalization and emergency department visits in Canada. These accidents can result in several types of injuries, including…
Winter in British Columbia is known for being snowy and cold. While those conditions are ideal for winter activities, they also bring a host of hazards that can lead to serious accidents. Slipping on ice…
When you visit someone’s property, whether a commercial business or a private home, you have the right to expect the premises to be safe. This is called “duty of care” and it refers to the…
Premise liability refers to the responsibility of property owners to keep premises safe for visitors per BC’s Occupiers’ Liability Act (OLA). When someone legally enters a property, they are entitled to minimal health and safety…
Slip and fall hazards have proven to be a significant issue in British Columbia. Recent data found that nearly 22% of workplace injuries occur from slips and falls annually, while over 24,000 British Columbians sought…
On a hot summer day, there’s nothing like a dip in the pool to cool off and enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, swimming pools aren’t always a haven from the heat. Swimming pool accidents, including slips…
Recent years have marked a shift in the British Columbia housing landscape. According to the 2021 census, the province now has more than 660,000 rental households. The number of renters surged between 2011 and 2021…
The Occupiers’ Liability Act in British Columbia outlines the duties of property owners and occupiers towards those who visit their properties. According to this law, occupiers are obligated to take reasonable measures to avoid hazards…